Month: June 2020

Response to Shuhao’s Post 4

Hello Shuhao,

After reading your post, personally, I agree that this YouTube video you shared is very related to the project, which is about Sleep Guide During COVID-19. Also, the use and design of animation can not only attract audience’s attention and increase their engagement, but also can make them become more interested in participating in the project. Good job! I think your ideas for the project are very informative, useful, and valuable. Also, I agree that video can be considered as an important and useful way for learners who have reading disorders or who are not good at English to watch and learn from.


Response to Shuhao’s Post 3

Hello Shuhao,

I think your post is very clear, informative, and useful for us when we design our interactive learning project. We try to use the ideas you shared in our project in order to make is more inclusive and valuable. As you described, providing learners with a blog link that they can access anytime any place as they like if they have the internet access. In my opinion, using a blog as a teaching platform will be very useful and organized for learners to participate in. However, one of my questions is that how can our learners to know the link of our project? Thank you.


Response to Jiyu’s Post 2

Hello Jiyu,

I think I have a better and clear learning of cooperative learning after reading your post. The explanation you presented is very clear and informative. I really liked how you explained the differences between cooperative learning and collaborative learning. Before reading your post, I was confused about the two kinds of instructional strategies and I though they are the same. The infographic you shared in your blog can help us to better understand them as well. Thank you for sharing your ideas.


Response to Jiyu’s Post 1

Hello Jiyu,

I think your blog post is very organized, clear, and useful. I like that you use the course EDCI 337 you took before as an example to explain all the three learning theories. I think it helps people to better understand each learning theory directly and clearly. I agree that using learning theories in designing the courses can help to overcome a given instructional problem, provide the basics for intelligent, offer information about relationship among instructional components and allow for reliable prediction. The ideas you presented in your post help me to have a better learning of the learning theory. Thank you.


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